My name is Zacharie Ruhter and I am an American Artist.   I was born in Hastings, Nebraska in 1986.  At the age of nine I moved to Littleton, Colorado with my mother.  I began studying art when I turned eleven years of age.  The arts called out to me and I began drawing.  I drew all the time and in junior high school, the teacher gave me a challenge:  a close-up drawing of Zachariah's face from the Sistine Chapel.  In high school, I was introduced to ceramics.  At first I could not throw at all; I mainly hand built.  I also took drawing and metal shop classes.  I started oil painting at Arapahoe Community College.  Living in Colorado and getting to travel around the globe has had its advantages for being a painter.  It has made a great impact on me as an artist.  That may be why many of my paintings achieve all sorts of texture.  Van Gogh was a superlative colorist who pushed and manipulated the colors to create a magnificent piece.  That's why I work with the colors the way I do, to improve and exceed my own expectations.  When I am faced with a challenge, it not only improves me as an artist but as a person as well.  It makes me patient and gives me a better appreciation for the fine arts.

Skills Include

Oil Painting



Acrylic Painting


​Print Making

About Single-Handed Oil Stone Studios

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